Child Protection System: The challenge of multidisciplinary cooperation
Friday 19 February, 10:00 a.m. - 16:00 p.m. (EET)
The Department of Mental Health and Social Welfare of the Institute of Child Health in cooperation with the UNICEF Office, is honored to invite you to participate in an online conference that is organised in the context of the PROCHILD Project - Protection and Support of abused children through Multidisciplinary Intervention.
As part of the actions of the project, a training programme has been developed for professionals from different fields and specialties, aiming to increase their skills concerning referral, investigation, identification and management of child abuse and neglect cases. In addition, it aims to provide support towards the child and family, as well as, to raise awareness on issues such as the removal of the child victim from the family environment, the implications of institutionalisation and alternative types of care.
In order to further disseminate the goals of the project, an online conference is held on Friday, 19 February, 10:00 a.m. to 16:00 p.m. (EET), during which it is expected to discuss on how to strengthen intersectoral cooperation in preventing and tackling the phenomenon of child abuse and neglect. The goal is to contribute to the overall strengthening of the child protection framework in our country, but also to formulate proposals based on international experience for the reform of the child protection system, so that secondary victimisation of children who have been abused and/or neglected can be avoided.
Please register to the conference via the link below:
Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash