Loneliness in Children

The current pandemic disrupted our social life as we knew it. Self-isolation and quarantine slowed us down and brought new challenges. Not seeing close friends and family for an undetermined …

International Day of Friendship

The last months have undoubtedly been challenging in many ways for everyone. From working from home to the closure of schools, being furloughed or social distancing yourself from your loved …

3rd PROCHILD Partners’ Meeting

On 10 June 2020, the PROCHILD partnership had its third intermediate meeting, which took place online due to COVID-19. Project partners from the National Institute for Health and Welfare (Finland), …

World Down Syndrome Day

March 21st marks World Down’s Syndrome (DS) Day. Within the UK, there are around 750 babies that are born with DS every year.[1] Currently, there are around 40,000 individuals living …

Zero Discrimination Day

Discriminating people because of certain characteristics such as their age, their race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, their religion or belief as well as their sex or sexual …

2nd Partner meeting in Athens

In December 2019, all country partners involved in the PROCHILD project met for the 2nd Intermediate Meeting in Athens, Greece. Participants in the meeting were representatives from the National Institute …

Beyond a Specific Right

Today is Universal Children’s Day and PROChild has decided to look into the issue of education and children with disabilities. PROChild is committed to protecting child abuse and ensuring that …